- Most people were satisfied with the location, food and accommodations. We'd probably consider Camp St. Croix for future retreats, especially given the cost.
- About two thirds thought the length, one night, was just right, and the rest would have liked another night. Next time it might be a good idea to have an optional extension, where the Sunday morning is focused on worship and spiritual practice.
- Everyone loved the programming. This was the high point for most. If there was one disappointment, it was that people couldn't be two places at once.
- We could have had more music and singing. Many also appreciated time in the schedule for private contemplation, writing, or outdoor activities.
- Lots of great ideas for new programs were suggested, couples conflict, yoga, Vietnam war, intentional living, death and grief, life balance; as well as deeper exploration of the programs we had.
Some of you may have emerging thoughts that came after the retreat. Let us know!