Thursday, November 6, 2008

Photos from Men's retreat!

Here are some pictures from the recent men's retreat, Nov 1-2 at Camp St. Croix. We had beautiful weather, some fantastic workshops, and more...

Hanging out...

Giving it up, "Outrageous Support" style!

Playing hacky sack on a beautiful 70 degree day Nov 2!

Grubbing out...

Calling the shot!

As far as upcoming events, we've got a poker night planned for Nov 20th, 7pm. Email Justin for more info.

I also hope that the conversations we started at the retreat will continue at church and beyond.

Finally, don't forget that every 3rd Wed, the Unity Men's Group meets at Church. Next meeting is Nov 19.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Register for Men's Retreat!

We're up and running with online registration. You can register here. The cost includes Saturday night lodging, and 6 meals. What a deal!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nov 1-2, 2008, Unity Men's Retreat UPDATED

Hello Unity Men,

We've got another retreat lined up for Nov 1-2, at Camp St. Croix! We're anticipating some nice outside weather (I hope!) and we our planning accordingly. Brochures and registration forms are available in the Parish Hall.

Tentative Sat. Schedule, Nov 1:

8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9-10 – Continental Breakfast and Welcome/Announcements/Orientation
10:30- 12:00 Opening/Sharing of Talisman (bring a Talisman or relic from a deceased hero/person who has shaped you.)
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:30 – 3:00 Workshops
Workshop A: Take a Risk 101/Outrageous Support
Workshop B: Getting to the Heart of Male Wellness

3:30 – 5:00 – Workshops
Workshop A: Men's Spiritual Lives
Workshop B: To Attend is to Love: Mindfulness and Daily Life

5:00 –6:00 Free time
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
7:30 – 9:00 "Take a Risk Talent Show"
9:00 Bonfire, games, fun.

Tentative Sunday Schedule, Nov 2

7:00 – 8:00 spiritual practices
8-9 Breakfast
9 – 10 Worship, singing, celebration
10 – 12 Free time; Fun stuff, games, orienteering, volleyball.
10-12 Optional Programming: Covenant Group for Men
12- 1 Lunch
1:30 – 3:30 Workshops
Workshop A: Film Challenge/Projections of Masculinity
Workshop B: Men as Better Life Partners
5:30 – 6:15 Dinner
6 - 7:15 Closing

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Neil Chethik -- Creating Happy, Healthy Husbands

Neal Chethik spoke at Unity Church last year in February. This web-based workshop may be of interest to some of you.

Dear Friend:

I'd like to invite you to join me in an experiment. I'm co-leading a
first-of-its-kind "telewebclass" -- a 3-part class on the topic, "What
Every Happily Married Man Knows." Both men and women are invited to
attend, which you can do on your telephone or computer. The mission: To
help involve men more deeply in their relationships, and to help couples
create relationships that last for the long run.

I'll be joined by two other experts on men and family: Dr. Scott
Haltzman (The Secrets of Happily Married Men) and Dr. John Curtis (The
Business of Love). The class meets for one hour on three successive
Thursdays, beginning Thursday, May 15, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. Eastern time.
The second and third classes are on May 22 and May 29, also at 8:30 p.m.
If you can't make them all, you'll be able to listen to the classes at
your convenience.

Note that the $33 price is about one-quarter the cost of a single
marriage-counseling session -- and we'll actually refund your money if
you're not satisfied. We recognize that this form of relationship
education may work wonderfully for some, and not so well for others. All
three of us are committed to helping men participate in and enjoy their
family lives, and we're committed to doing that with integrity.

I hope you'll join us for this first-of-its-kind web class. If you're
curious to learn more, or would like to register, click on this link:


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Saints Game!

The results are in for the Saints Game! June 10 is the date that works best for

WHEN: June 10, 7pm game against the Sioux City Explorers! Let's plan to meet around 5:30 p.m. for tailgating.

PLEASE RSVP TO JUSTIN: If we're a big enough group, I'll buy a block of tickets..otherwise, we can buy tickets at the gate.

FOOD: We'll need burgers, buns, condiments, beers, non-alcoholic beverages, napkins, etc. Please bring something!

GRILL: Does someone have a grill we could use?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Men's Retreat Reflection

If you attended the Men's Retreat in February, we're inviting you to attend one of two small group reflections. We'll take some time to reflect on the theme of transitions, of 'rising and falling and rising'. How has that changed for you? Have there been new transitions coming into your life?

You can attend either Saturday, April 19, 2 PM, or Tuesday, April 22, 7 PM, at Unity Church.

If you wrote a letter to yourself, you should have it now; it was mailed to you on Tuesday. You might want to bring it, and you can choose to share a few words or comment on the letter if you like.

We'll spend an hour on reflection, then take a short break. After the break, there is an optional second session where we explore the future of men's activities at Unity (both those currently planned or going, and those that might be possible). We'll spend an hour on this exploration.

If you have questions, call Matt at the church (651-228-1456) or email him:

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spirit Play Church Building Corner

A Project for Unity Men

One the favorite activities of our preschool kids, especially boys, in our two Spirit Play classrooms, is using wooden blocks to build things. Our teachers encourage them to think about churches, and how they are built and set up, and to imagine the church of their dreams. We already have about 100 wooden blocks in each classroom, but we need more.

How We Can Help

There are several ways we can contribute both in time, talents and also our treasure:

1. Maintain the existing blocks

Many of the existing blocks could use a light sanding and oiling to help them last longer. This could be a great Saturday morning project for a couple of guys or a small group!

2. Purchase more 'unit blocks'

We'd need two more sets of blocks to round out our basic sets (one in each classroom). Jamie and Marion Seely-Kreisman at Beka, Inc. are willing to help us with these, getting them at cost, so we'd need to raise about $160 for these two sets. See for info on these.

3. Create images of churches

The kids use pictures of churches for inspiration. These could be photos from magazines or books, duplicated (we need two sets), or your own photos of churches. They need to be laminated to stand up to preschoolers. We estimate the lamination will cost about $60.

4. Purchase two storage carts

These are needed to organize the blocks. Again, Jamie and Marion Seely-Kreisman at Beka, Inc. are willing to help us with these, and our cost would be about $140.

5. Buy or make sets of 'architectural blocks'

These are sets of specialty blocks for specific kinds of architectures: Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern, etc. We'd need two of any set we buy, as each classroom needs the same setup. Cost of the two sets would be $60 to $80. Woodworkers among us may want to make specific pieces, maybe even Unity Church architectural elements.

Join us!

Please consider helping with one or more of these sub-projects. Any of these would be a great help to our preschool classroom, and help keep our boys engaged in church life. Contact Matt Alspaugh at the church (651-228-1456, or Nels Otto (651-484-4590) for more information.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wednesday Men's Group: Proactive Men

Wednesday, April 16, 7:15 - 8:30 PM

"I'm a self-made man, but I think if I had it to do over again, I'd call in others." - Roland Young
The new male no longer wants to be stolid and totally self-sufficient. No more of this: "I'm fine just as I am." How do we break out of male inactivity and male reactivity, to become truly pro-active modern men? How do we free ourselves from the dictates and limitations of traditional masculinity to which we've been shackled? Join us as we dig into this with spirited conversation. Led by Nels Otto.

The Wednesday Mens Group is an open group meeting once a month on the third Wednesday.
Contact Matt Alspaugh ( at the Church Office for more information.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Reviewing the Retreat

We've had time to examine the feedback forms and wanted to pass on some observations.
  • Most people were satisfied with the location, food and accommodations. We'd probably consider Camp St. Croix for future retreats, especially given the cost.
  • About two thirds thought the length, one night, was just right, and the rest would have liked another night. Next time it might be a good idea to have an optional extension, where the Sunday morning is focused on worship and spiritual practice.
  • Everyone loved the programming. This was the high point for most. If there was one disappointment, it was that people couldn't be two places at once.
  • We could have had more music and singing. Many also appreciated time in the schedule for private contemplation, writing, or outdoor activities.
  • Lots of great ideas for new programs were suggested, couples conflict, yoga, Vietnam war, intentional living, death and grief, life balance; as well as deeper exploration of the programs we had.
Many men had ideas for ongoing men's programs and many suggested ways they'd help. We'll keep you posted as these unfold.
Some of you may have emerging thoughts that came after the retreat. Let us know!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fire in the Belly!

Well, I've had a chance to reflect on the weekend retreat and I've just got to echo Matt's comments - wow! What a gathering!

Thanks to all who attended and brought their music, their voices, their stories, their laughter, and their spirits. I have never had more fun singing than I did last weekend! And the connections that were forming...again, wow!

And we've got some great energy moving forward. There's plans in the works for a follow up meeting for those who took the "Women as Life Partners" workshop, and we've got a list full of other great ideas for men's programming.

What did you enjoy most about the weekend? Post it here!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wow - What a Retreat!

All I can say is, 'Wow'. We had an amazing retreat. Beyond all expectations! We had 55 men present, some awesome programming, games, singing, x-c skiing in sunny and warm mid-20s weather, some inspirational worship, and good community.

Justin and I are just now getting back into the swing of things, unpacking, looking through the evaluation forms, reviewing what you wrote on the posters, and reflecting on what you said to us. We'll be posting here, as things come together. And, if you have reflections you want to share publicly, send them to us, and we may be able to post them, too.

In the meantime, Michael Orange sends the group photo, which I've posted. He notes it is a bit grainy due to lighting, but I'm glad we have it. Click in to enlarge.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Retreat - More Details

Looking forward to seeing you - just days away!

By now, most of you should have received a packet of information by email. Some went out by US mail also. Many of you have asked good questions, so here is some further information from the camp.

In your free time, these activities are possible: you can hike, cross-country ski, sled, play broomball, or snow volleyball. The basketball court is open, but may be icy. The camp has a few adult cross country skis available by advance arrangement; let me know.

Do bring blankets as well as sheets, or a sleeping bag. The cabins are heated, but bring what you need to be comfortable!
You may want to bring earplugs. We'll have some available, too.

There is one other small group meeting at the camp.

Dinner is at 6:00 to 6:45 Friday night, and won't be available after that. If you are coming later, you might want to grab something beforehand.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ready to Go!

We've had a flurry of responses at deadline, and now have 46 men signed up for the retreat, which is just awesome! We'll be emailing all of you a PDF packet with more details of the retreat on Wednesday: what to bring, directions, a camp map, roster, etc. Please let us know when you receive it, so we won't have to send a paper copy by snail mail.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Spiritual Direction with David Rothstein

David Rothstein will be available to talk about spiritual direction at the Men's Retreat. He will have an early morning session before breakfast on Saturday, and will be available for individual conversations at various times that day.

Spiritual Direction is a way for people to obtain support and encouragement for their spiritual growth, and avoid losing focus and getting discouraged. The chance to talk with someone about one's spiritual life can make all the difference. David Rothstein is a former Benedictine monk and university teacher.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Looking forward to about you?

Hello all,

I'm starting to really look forward to this retreat. There's a great line up of workshops and offerings, but what I'm really excited about is spending some time with you all, whether that's playing cards, going to workshops, or sitting around the campfire. I can't wait to have a sustained chunk of time together.

What are you looking forward to?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Men's Retreat Deadline - Next Week!

The Men's Retreat sign-up deadline is Monday, February 11. This is primarily so we can give Camp St. Croix the information they need for their scheduling (such as dietary requirements).

But you can register right now on-line! Here's how:
Go to the Unity Church main page: Click on the link labeled Make an Online Payment, in the middle column, under Donations. This will take you to a secure payment site.
Enter $80, select One-Time Only, and Apply My Payment to Other - Note in Comments box below, and type Men's Retreat in the comment box. You know what to do with the rest.

If you have dietary restrictions or other questions, please send me an email at the church:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Men's Retreat Brochure - Updated

The updated brochure is now here. This brochure has more information about the program options we will have at the retreat. The schedule is updated, too. Also, we are now able to accept payment by credit card as well as check.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Introducing the Enneagram by Dave Hall

Dave Hall will present an introduction to the Enneagram on Saturday afternoon at the Men's Retreat. The enneagram is a psycho-spiritual tool for growth and transformation, based on nine basic personality types.

Dave is co-teaching a five week Enneagram class at Unity Church, and is training at The Enneagram Institute.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Orienteering at Men's Retreat

Darryn Kozak will lead an orienteering experience on Saturday afternoon at the Men's Retreat. This will be a great chance to get outside and combine overland travel with friendly competition. Darryn Kosak is an orienteering leader with the Minnesota Orienteering Club.

Orienteering is the skill of finding one's way through a series of checkpoints on an unfamiliar course using a map and a compass. Orienteering, sometimes known as "The Thinking Sport", challenges both mind and body. The key to orienteering is the ability to make wise decisions, rather than the ability to run like a deer.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brian Newhouse Workshop at Men's Retreat

Brian Newhouse, writer and MPR host, will offer a writing and journaling workshop on Saturday morning at the Men's Retreat. Using brief writing exercises, Brian will help us explore life transitions and aspirations, and ultimately make decisions about our future.

Brian published A Crossing: A Cyclist's Journey Home, in 1998, describing his bicycle trip across the United States. He also wrote The Mississippi: A River of Song, a music documentary in 2000, which won a Peabody Award. Brian hosts the Minnesota Orchestra broadcasts on American Public Media.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Advance Brochure

We've prepared a brochure for the Men's Retreat. It's still, well, preliminary, but we want you to have an advance copy. We'll be adding more info on programs, but the essentials -- date, place and cost -- are firm. Download the PDF here.

Bill Doherty at Men's Retreat

Bill Doherty has agreed to lead two workshops at the Unity Men's Retreat, February 22 - 23! Bill teaches in the Department of Family Social Science the University of Minnesota, and has presented at the UUA General Assembly on "Home Grown Religion". He also started the "UU Christmas Reclamation Project" at Unity Church.

Bill will lead two workshops: "Mens Relationships with Women", exploring how we might relate better with partners or wives and other women in our lives, and "Kids and Values", which expands on his work on the "Family Chalice" project to explore how we, as men, might pass on good values to our children and the children around us. We are excited to have man of such wit and wisdom offer his gifts at the Unity Men's Retreat.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Unity Men's Retreat at Camp St. Croix

We're having our Unity Men's Retreat at Camp St. Croix, on Friday evening, February 22 and Saturday February 23, and have just received confirmation from the site. We chose Camp St. Croix because it offers a low cost location for the retreat that is just a 30 minute drive east from the church. Other Unity Church events have been held there, and people rave about the food and meeting space (We'll be using the Lodge building for our meetings). By choosing this venue, we are able to keep the cost of the retreat to just $80.

Accommodations are heated rooms with individual beds, but you do need to bring your own bedding or sleeping bag. Modern shower and restroom facilities are in a separate building. We should have plenty of space for outdoor activities and we will plan based on the weather.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Initial Post

Welcome to the Unity Men blog, created and maintained by Matt and Justin at Unity Church, Unitarian, in St. Paul. A key focus of this blog is the upcoming Unity Men's Retreat on February 22 - 23, and we'll post more information about in the next day or so.
We also hope to cross-post much of this information at Buy The Change, on the Unity Men group,which is at