A Project for Unity Men
One the favorite activities of our preschool kids, especially boys, in our two Spirit Play classrooms, is using wooden blocks to build things. Our teachers encourage them to think about churches, and how they are built and set up, and to imagine the church of their dreams. We already have about 100 wooden blocks in each classroom, but we need more.

How We Can Help
There are several ways we can contribute both in time, talents and also our treasure:
1. Maintain the existing blocks
Many of the existing blocks could use a light sanding and oiling to help them last longer. This could be a great Saturday morning project for a couple of guys or a small group!
2. Purchase more 'unit blocks'
We'd need two more sets of blocks to round out our basic sets (one in each classroom). Jamie and Marion Seely-Kreisman at Beka, Inc. are willing to help us with these, getting them at cost, so we'd need to raise about $160 for these two sets. See bekainc.com for info on these.
3. Create images of churches
The kids use pictures of churches for inspiration. These could be photos from magazines or books, duplicated (we need two sets), or your own photos of churches. They need to be laminated to stand up to preschoolers. We estimate the lamination will cost about $60.
4. Purchase two storage carts
These are needed to organize the blocks. Again, Jamie and Marion Seely-Kreisman at Beka, Inc. are willing to help us with these, and our cost would be about $140.

5. Buy or make sets of 'architectural blocks'
These are sets of specialty blocks for specific kinds of architectures: Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern, etc. We'd need two of any set we buy, as each classroom needs the same setup. Cost of the two sets would be $60 to $80. Woodworkers among us may want to make specific pieces, maybe even Unity Church architectural elements.
Join us!
Please consider helping with one or more of these sub-projects. Any of these would be a great help to our preschool classroom, and help keep our boys engaged in church life. Contact Matt Alspaugh at the church (651-228-1456, matt@unityunitarian.org) or Nels Otto (651-484-4590) for more information.